How LinkedIn Sales Navigator can Help You Close More Deals

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool that can help sales professionals close more deals. It is a premium version of LinkedIn designed specifically for sales professionals, providing them with a variety of features and tools that can help them to connect with potential customers, build relationships, and ultimately close more deals.

In this article, we will be discussing how LinkedIn Sales Navigator is advantageous to sales professionals to close more deals. After reading this article, we hope we have assisted you to see the advantages of LinkedIn Sales Navigator that you can fit into your assembly of sales tools.

Opportunities to Build and Nurture Relationships with 50 Quality Leads a Month

One of the best ways to close more deals on LinkedIn Sales Navigator is to build relationships with potential customers. The platform allows you to send connection requests, messages and Inmails to potential customers, which can be a great way to start a conversation and build a relationship. Note that you can only reach 50 contacts a month through InMail. So target wisely with Sales Navigator’s advanced search. You can also use the platform to share valuable content, such as articles, blog posts, and videos, which can help to establish your expertise and build trust with potential customers.

Collaborate with Your Team

Another great feature of Sales Navigator is its team collaboration tools. With this feature, you can easily share leads and accounts with your team members and collaborate on sales efforts. It is available in Advanced and Advanced Plus Plans of the Sales Navigator. This can help to share networks, streamline your sales process and increase your chances of closing more deals.

For example, your fellow employees can help nurture a prospect by checking the lists and tags the prospect belonged to, choose the right template depending on what stage of buyer’s journey they are in, and personalize the message for the prospect.

Track Your Choice Company Lists

LinkedIn Sales Navigator also has a feature called “Accounts”, where you can save and manage a list of companies and decision makers that you want to target. This feature allows you to keep track of your sales efforts, and see which companies and individuals are most interested in your products or services. This can be very helpful when it comes to prioritizing your sales efforts and closing more deals.

For example, you’d be surprised which of your products or services would trend in your list of companies and decision makers. People being more open to ransomware protection can inform you that more people are being victims of such software and would therefore need bigger servers for backups.

Close More Deals with LinkedIn Sales Navigator

In conclusion, LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool that can help sales professionals to close more deals. With its advanced search capabilities, lead recommendations, relationship-building tools, team collaboration features, and analytics, Sales Navigator can help you to identify potential customers, build relationships, and ultimately close more deals. So, if you’re a sales professional looking to increase your sales and grow your business, consider giving LinkedIn Sales Navigator a try. You can also get advanced LinkedIn strategies with us in RocketFuel. Schedule a call to get started.