The Landing Page Anatomy in Sales Funnels

A landing page is part of the sales funnel where potential customers “land” after coming from an ad, a social media post and other outreach efforts. Unlike most web pages that encourage viewers to explore the website, it only has one goal which is to increase the conversion rate.

A landing page is focused. It validates the potential customer’s dilemma. It educates and informs them into making the right buying decision. It introduces the product or service as a solution to their problem and backs it with proof. Finally, having gained the trust of the potential customer, the landing page shows how much value they would get at its price.

Without a landing page, potential customers wouldn’t know what they are missing. For example, if your ad directs viewers right into your shop, they may browse then just leave. A landing page puts significance on why they need your product or service.

Every landing page is different from other landing pages. However, each landing page has the same constant components in order to convert.

In this article, we will be exploring the parts of the landing page anatomy in every sales funnel. By the time you have reached the end of this article, we hope we have helped you keep in mind what makes every effective landing page work.

The following are the constant components of the landing page in sales funnels.

Unique Selling Proposition

What makes your product or service special? Why should they buy from you? Your USP piques curiosity from its novelty.

If you already have your positioning statement, you can place it on the headline itself. However, if it’s too wordy to be contained in a headline, your USP can be parsed in the headline and subheading. The USP can also be reinforced in the closing of the landing page.

Main Visual

The header image or video of your landing page should give the viewer the vision. Your main visual must show the positive outcome of using your product or service. This can be done with a video sales letter, hiring actors to create 15-second films of themselves using your product or service and other visual medium that showcases your product or service the most.

Features Spell Benefits

Some may advise to write only about benefits. But a product or service’s features can support your USP. A good balance would be to write features that spell benefits.

For example, your product’s USP is healthy doughnuts. Features spelt as benefits can include: Eat without worry with its 50% less sugar frosting. Get fiber-rich with every whole-wheat doughnut. Enjoy unique flavors with our glazed donuts with flavored honey.


In the end, every product or service needs proof. Social proof, scientific proof, certifications or credentials. Use every material that you have to back it up.

Social proof includes customer reviews and testimonials. Video reviews and testimonials are most effective because they incite FOMO or the Fear of Missing Out. Scientific proof includes independent studies. Applying for an evaluation can get you or your product or service certifications and credentials.

A Singular CTA

A call to action is your conversion towards a cross-selling or upselling confirmation page. The text button must always reinstate the main benefit they would be getting such as “Start My Free Trial Today.” If you have a form at the end of your landing page, require only a few details. If your form requires too many details, the potential customer may give up, wondering if you need that much from them.

When Conversions “Land”

Landing pages are vital in sales funnels for converting potential customers into actual customers. No two landing pages are the same. Yet five components constantly exist in its anatomy. These are the USP, the main visual, features that spell benefits, proof and a singular CTA. By being aware of these components, your landing pages will always be complete for your conversion goals.

However, you can also invest in proven landing pages for your sales funnels. Schedule a call with RocketFuel to have landing pages designed for your business.